Experiences so far

November 26, 2007

It has been some time since I last sent some info on the Wiidiaplayer to the outside world. Mainly this is, as I mentioned in my other blog, because it works! For months I’ve been watching my videos through the wiidiaplayer, with hardly any problems. Some small bugs do exist, but at this moment, at least for me, it works!

The bugs I was talking about are twofold:

  • Sometimes (actually, quite often) playback stops a few seconds into the movie. This is only the first time I play the movie, as soon as I restart it, it plays fine. It seems to be an issue with the encoding, and possibly a race condition (which would explain it working the second time, as the file is already in the linux buffer). Still need some work to figure this out
  • It seems that the AMF library has a problem decoding the response after a long pause. Say, for instance, that one would start playing a movie, press pause, and continue the movie some hours later, a python exception is raised and the connection dies. Since the AMF library is still an alpha release, some problems were to be expected, and I should probably try and locate the problem, fix it and merge the fix upstream

Still, seeing how I played many videos through this system (recapping, I would think at least a couple of hundreds of hours worth in the last couple of months), and had no other problems than the ones mentioned, I would say the system is pretty stable.

In the last months I have been contacted and been in contact with several individuals who like to use some of my code, had some questions on it, just wanted to let me know they liked the product, etc. I had never realised, starting the project, how much I would enjoy getting such feedback; the only problem is that, getting all this feedback, makes me wonder how many more people are using the product (perhaps for months as well without a problem) and not given me any feedback. If you create a commercial program, you have sales-figures to tell you how many people are interested; not sure how freeware programmers get that data (an idea would be to have the software send back anonymous user statistics, e.g. how many movies played since startup, but I think not everyone would like that. If anyone has suggestions on how to get such usage numbers, I would like to hear it!

Anyway, some people have contributed some on the code, others have just been looking through it real quickly; still most communication was between me and one other person. In the spirit of opening up, obviously, it would prbably be best to stop using this blog as the official communication platform, and start using google groups:


I might still use this blog for my occasional thoughts on the project and otherfacts of life 🙂

Curse of the programmer 2

August 28, 2007

I wrote part 1 of this series some time ago, in Dutch. In that part, I talked about the social issues that flowed from programming, now I’ll tackle the issue from a different standpoint.

Many ICT projects miss deadlines, and in the entertainment market, these are more often than not the most anticipated projects. (long ago: ) Black & White, (recently: ) GTA IV, (for some time now: ) Spore, (soon: Wiidiaplayer ? 🙂 ).

At least with the Wiidiaplayer, I can pretty much pinpoint where the problem lies: I like the product. By now the Wiidiaplayer works well enough, for me… There still is a list of things I need to do before I honestly want to show it to anyone else:

  • Deamonize
  • Run as non-root
  • Fix layout

But, again, it works for me. When I get home now, I decide to do some “bug testing” on the Wiidiaplayer, do I grab my Wiimote and switch on the latest Simpsons episode. “Disappointed” that I didn’t find any bugs, I decide to watch something else.

So I wonder, is this the way all these projects go? I imagine Sid Meier going to the office in the morning, and just playing Spores with his friends on the company network all day long.

Then again: I suppose that as soon as you find yourself with this sort of a problem, you know you have a good product!

For the Wiidiaplayer, the technology choice was not that hard. I looked for a tiny-tiny-tiny while at building my own video player in javascript, but discarded this option almost immediately, flash was the way to go. Obviously there was still a choice on how much of the application should be flash (and the rest HTML/javascript I guess), but flash would always be a component.

My experinces with flash had never been extremely positive. In the Old Days of flash 6 I just didn’t get it. I could do the flash tutorial in the IDE 10 times, and still I didn’t get it. True, I could create a simple flash animation, but no, I wasn’t sure what I was doing. It was the same feeling I had using Word for the first time (having only used the alt-F3 code screen of WordPerfect before); it was the feeling I has when using Frontpage in design mode: The computer did a lot of stuff for me, and most did what I wanted, but the part that didn’t work as I needed it too, well, I didn’t have a clue why… I want to see lines of code, and I want to be sure that nothing exists except those lines of code!

Flash 7 and 8 actually made stuff a little easier for the programmer. Less designing was needed, and more programming could be used. Movieclips (but not library objects) could be created from code. This code, however, could live on a couple of hundred levels (each movieclip could have its own code, and handlers, and each object had handlers of its own, so sometimes you would spend hours figuring out why something would work in some way, only to find some old code still deep in your object structure.

One can imagine my relieve on encountering (the beta of) Flex 2 some years ago. For the first time (as far as I was concerned), code based flash programming was possible, and it seemed that finally I would be able to write a decent, extendable, reusable, flash movie, and it used eclipse, so I could use all my favorite key bindings in flash-editing. And, although it seemed like Adobe wanted everyone to buy the whole Flex-server package, the Flex IDE could be bought separately, for a price that was still “acceptable” to the individual. Still, there was one big flaw, it would be Flash 9 (Flash 8.5 then) only, and acceptance of a new flash version into the 90-95% range still takes years. Unfortunately, for this reason, I’ve not done any serious projects in Flex Builder 2 yet.

The Wiidiaplayer should run on the Wii, so should be flash 7 (or less). Flex would not be an option here. I had more or less decided to build the better part of the Wiidiaplayer in flash, and I dreaded having to do this in the flash IDE. I did build my proof-of-concept in the IDE, but decided I would start looking for alternatives.

The two serious alternatives that I could find are MTASC and HaXe; MTASC compiles actionscript files ito an existing swf file. This file should contain the library for the movie. Since the library typically only changes once or twice during the project, one could create the library in the flash IDE, and then develop in eclipse, and compile with MTASC. Yet a step further is the possibility to first compile the swf file and library out of thin air (ok, a very small XML file), using swfmill. MTASC only compiles up to ActionScript 2 files; anyone having the need to handle AS3 is directed to the successor of MTASC: HaXe.

HaXe seems to be a very ambitious project. HaXe is a programming language; programs in the language can be compiled to run serverside (though the neko virtual machine), run in the browser (it is rewritten to JavaScript), or compiled to an swf-flash file. In includes easy methods so that client-server communication is streamlined. The language is ECMA-script, so it’s really close to ActionScript, but not quite equal.

The idea to have one language that runs both on the server and on the client is compelling. In my work we recently find ourselves writing some algorithm both in PHP and in javascript. In addition, I really like the ECMA-script language, and would like to do my serverside programming in it as well. Finally, I was really surprised by the stability the language seemed to have: I only did a few tests, but it seemed to be stable, and deliver what it promised! However, the language is still very new. Resources on it on the internet are scarce, and it might well still contain bugs. There was especially little documentation on how to use it to produce flash 7 files; However, the most important reason for me not to use it, is it’s incompatibility. The MTASC homepage used to contain a section on why to use MTASC. One of the reasons was that, since it compiled normal ActionScript, switching back and forth between the flash IDE and MTASC was easy. Interestingly does the same site now promote HaXe as the way to the future. The first thing I needed (as with any large flash project) was a good logging system; Luckily the internet contains thousands, all free, and all written in ActionScript, none compatible with HaXe…..
So, for the past couple of weeks I’ve been developing using MTASC, the MTASC eclipse plugin, and swfmill, and I think I finally get Flash 🙂 .

Update 2009-07-28: In the final project another solution was pointed out to me, which ended up being better in most cases, see the commands here: http://code.google.com/p/wiidiaplayer/source/browse/trunk/wiidiaserver/rtmp/flvstreamprovider/convertvideoffmpeg.sh

In my previous blog I explained the format I want the flash video in (and the reasons why), however, getting my video in that format did pose some problems, most of which I hope I have tackled by now.

The actual command for converting the video itself is not so complicated:

 /usr/bin/mencoder "$1"
        -of lavf -lavfopts format=flv
        -af resample=44100:0:1 -af channels=2 -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128 -mc 0
        -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=2500:autoaspect:vratetol=1000:keyint=1 -ofps $FPS
        -o "$2"

On the first line, it shows the command and inputfile, the second line defines handles the output container format; The third line handles all audio (44.1kHz (the next two numbers define the conversion type), use two channels, convert with lame to a constant bitrate of 128kbps. The final option disallows any shifting between video and audio frames.

The forth line defines the video options (codec flv, bitrate (max) 2500kbps (max 1000kbps tolerance), per 1 frame 1 keyframe (ie: use only keyframes), and the required framerate), the final line sets the output filename.

Now, before we continue, it’s necessary to note that I have installed 3 different versions of mplayer in the last week, and each version needed a slightly different command. Currently I’m using MPlayer SVN-r24130, as provided by Gentoo ebuild media-video/mplayer-1.0.20070824, if you have a different version, you might need to adjust some parameters. I’m using some unversioned version of ffmpeg, which is provided by media-video/ffmpeg-0.4.9_p20070330; however my experiences with ffmpeg is that it is much more stable and compatible between versions, so any recent version should probably do.

The problem with the command above is that it only works on certain video files, and obviously we would like to convert any video file that mplayer can play. It seems that there are several bugs in mplayer/mencoder that disallow this (try the command above on your average avi file and mencoder will crash with a segfault), so we have to take a work-around. We will convert the video in two steps: first convert the source to an intermediary format, next convert this format with the command above to the final result. To avoid quality loss and extra CPU load, the intermediary format is the raw, uncompressed video format. This format takes about 4.5MB per second, so we don’t want to store it on disk, but pipe it directly from one mencoder into the next. To accomplish this we need to redirect any other output from mencoder to somewhere else (so that only the audio/video data reaches the next mencoder, not the status information). Furthermore, we need to keep the first mencoder from wanting to seek in the file it writes; When writing avi-files, mencoder updates the avi header every couple of hundred megabytes, by seeking to the beginning of the file and writing the header – this obviously cannot be done with a pipe. The -noodml tag fixes this problem, but another problem persists: the second mencoder (behind the pipe) expects the maximum avi size to be 4GB (which is reached in 15 minutes), so after 15 minutes encoding stops. The only solution I’ve found to this is not using the avi container, but the asf container (the mpeg container and other containers have other problems, only asf seems to work).

So the encoding part of the file looks like this:

/usr/bin/mencoder "$1"
                -of lavf -lavfopts format=asf
                -oac pcm -af resample=44100:0:1
                -ovc raw -vf scale=400:224 -ofps $FPS
                -o /dev/fd/3 3>&1 >/var/log/mencoder/1 2>&1 |
        /usr/bin/mencoder /dev/stdin
                -of lavf -lavfopts format=flv
                -af resample=44100:0:1 -af channels=2 -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128 -mc 0
                -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=2500:autoaspect:vratetol=1000:keyint=1 -ofps $FPS
                -o "$2" > /var/log/mencoder/2 2>&1

The first mencoder sets the correct resoltion, framerate and audio options, and outputs it to a filedescriptor called /dev/fd/3. The little filedescriptor magic afterwards redirects this filedescriptor 3 to stdout, while directing stdout en stderr to a logfile. Both the input and the output are files. For the wiidiaplayer all sources are (for now) files, and I render to a temporary directory as well, to improve caching and enable seeking in the video.

To this we add some extra padding that lowers the priority of the encoders (to avoid the computer locking up when coding), and some code that makes sure all child processes end when the parent process is killed, and that’s the full conversion script:


function getmencoderchildids {
    ps --ppid $$ | awk '$4=="mencoder" {print $1}'

function stop_encoding {
 echo "now stopping"
 for mypid in $PIDS; do
 	kill $mypid > /dev/null 2&>1;
 sleep 2;
 for mypid in $PIDS; do
 	kill -9 $mypid > /dev/null 2&>1;

trap stop_encoding TERM;
trap stop_encoding EXIT;


nice -n 2 /usr/bin/mencoder "$1"
	        -of lavf -lavfopts format=asf
                -oac pcm -af resample=44100:0:1
                -ovc raw -vf scale=400:224 -ofps $FPS
                -o /dev/fd/3 3>&1 >/var/log/mencoder/1 2>&1 |
        nice -n 1 /usr/bin/mencoder /dev/stdin
        		-of lavf -lavfopts format=flv
        		-af resample=44100:0:1 -af channels=2 -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128 -mc 0
        		-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=2500:autoaspect:vratetol=1000:keyint=1 -ofps $FPS
        		-o "$2" > /var/log/mencoder/2 2>&1 &
while [ -n "$(getmencoderchildids)" ]; do
 echo "$(getmencoderchildids)"
 sleep 1;

Nothing is as irritating as stuttering image or sound in the video you just put up on your big-screen TV. In the Wiidiaplayer, this stottering can come from 2 sources. Either the Wii doesn’t get the video and audio-data fast enough; this might be either the fault of the network, of the video-source, or the encoding program. Of these problems, only the encoding speed is of interest to me, the network is fast enough (11MBit), and the video source is a local video file. The problems in file-encoding wil be discussed in a separate blog entry.

The second reason for stuttering video or audio is the decoding and rendering speed on the Wii. Flash is extremely slow for showing video; on my Linux box, a flv video playing full screen in a browser might take 80% CPU (flash 9), while playing the same file in mplayer full screen results in less than 1 percent CPU load (and that is without optimized videocard drivers which will take even more load off the CPU). There might be a thousand good (or not) reasons for this, however this doesn’t change the fact that playing video in flash is slow. (There are two extra reasons to assume flash-video is slow. Firstly, the Wii plays mjpeg video’s without a problem, secondly, Adobe recently announced Moviestar, which (among other things) brings hardware acceleration to flash video (implying that it has little/none of the now).

Since the Wii has only limited processing power, it is essential to tweak our videos to make the best use of this power. It was clear from the start that 1080p videos on the Wii would not work. But as I stated before, although better image quality does look nicer, the movie usually does not improve. For me personally, what the Wii can bring is good enough.

There are several parameters that will infuence flv playback speed. I discovered the optimal values for most of these parameters through extensive testing on the Wii. Probably most tunings will work likewise on other platforms, however I never tested that. Note again, that I only tested for decoding-and-viewing performance on the Wii; The suggestions below are not valid when network bandwidth is an issue. I also do not claim to be an expert on audio or video-image quality, so while my settings are acceptable for me, others might be able to improve on them. Also, since your content is different from mine, your results might vary as well. If you get different results, please post them in the comments.

You will notice that on a lot of issues I substitute CPU on the Wii for CPU on the server (of which I claimed I had enough). These options probably need different tweaking when the server CPU is less powerfull.

Right now, I’m getting 400 x 224 video @ ~18 fps.

Testing method 

Since I do not have a reliable method to determine load on the Wii, I varied different parameters and played the file on the Wii with a too high framerate. As soon as the Wii reaches full capacity, frames will be dropped and the reported framerate will stabilize on a lower value than the actual video framerate. The flash program will regularly report the actual framerate (from the NetStream.currentFPS) back to the server; a higher framerate means that the load of each frame is lower.


Obviously the resolution of the video file matters. A little experimenting led to a best resolution of 400 x 224. This is not exedentally exactly half of the 800 x 450 resolution that will fill the screen in Opera (adjusted for FLV resolutions which always need to be a multitude of 2).


Logical reasoning would suggest that making each frame a keyframe, would be the most effective, and indeed, I seem to get a 1 or 2%  increase in framerate whe using only keyframes.

Video Framerate

Ideally, the framerate of the source video is equal to the framerate that is being displayed. When this is not the case, extra overhead is introduced by discarding frames. Also, the resulting viewing experience is less. If our video is 20 fps, and we can only show 19 fps, the result will be 18 images that are 50 milliseconds apart, followed by one that has a 100 millisecond gap. Having a continuous stream of images with 53 ms gaps looks far better.

What I found was that when video was encoded at 25 fps, the Wii would show only about 16.5 fps. Recoding the video to 18 fps allowed the Wii to play most of the video at 18 fps. However some parts of the video (especially those with heavy zooming and panning) still play at only 14-15fps. Encoding the whole video on 16 fps, would allow everything to play at 16 fps.

For now, I opt  for the higher setting of 18 fps.


My initial guess was that a higher bitrate would result in a lower CPU usage, since a higher bitrate would mean less compression (so less work to decompress). However, the opposite turned out to be true. Forcing the video bitrate to remain under the 2500kbps, avoids framedrops and stuttering on high-motion parts.


FLV supports mp3 and proprietary Nellymoser codec for sound. I didn’t look into the Nellymoser codec too much (don’t even know if any open source products can encode into it), some things can be tweaked on the mp3 side though. Leaving out the sound at all increases the framerate with about 2 fps compared to using 320kbps stereo mp3. Here as well it seems that a lower bitrate improved performance, so I settled for 128 kbps stereo.

Extra encoding options

There are numerous extra encoding options in mplayer, most of these seem to be concerned with exchanging bitrate for CPU on the encoding side. None of the extra options I tried increased the framerate measurably, nor could I see any improvement in image quality (and they do produce higher load on the server), so I use none of them


Perhaps more than obvious, but it tricked me for a while. Using extra stuff in your flash file on top of your video decreases performance, especially if these are nice semi-transparent layers. I had such a layer printing the current FPS for a while, not realizing that just that layer was keeping the fps down. A single transparent layer, occupying about 20% of the screen cost me about 25% or 4 fps performance. Having a lot of flash objects doesn’t seem to be a problem, as long as they are invisible (and, honestly, as soon as I pop up my menu, I don’t care that much that my framerates plumet).

SWF framerate

It is possible to set a framerate for SWF files. This decides how often a frame is drawn to provide nice swf animations, however seems to be totally independent of video framerate. An swf framerate of 2 fps, resulted in a really choppy interface, but the video still played at the same  framerate. I could not find any video-performance differences between 2 and 25 swf-fps (obviously, when doing a lot of swf-animations on an overlay, or having a (lot of) heavy  eventhandlers on “onframeenter”, keeping down the swf fps will improve video performance).

SWF scaling

I have experimented breefly with SWF scaling; making an swf of dimension p*q, and then telling the HTML page to resize the swf to x*y, but as far as I could see, it only decreased performance slightly.

SWF window mode

In the HTML page, it’s possible to set a SWF window mode, though the wmode attribute. The value of the wmode attribute seems to have no effect on the performance

SWF video smoothing 

There is a attribute for the video tag in flash called “Smoothing. Apparently, it exchanges CPU for quality in flash video playback. Since it only works for flash 8+, I expected the setting to have no effect, and I haven’t been able to measure any either.

Wii/Opera scaling 

From the WiiCR project, I got the suggestion that it could increase performance to make the swf-movie smaller (in dimensions/resolution) and use the Opera zooming/scaling functions to return it to full-screen size. Indeed, having the swf at only 400 x 224, and then zooming to full-screen, the performance seemed to improve about 1%. The problem however is that now I need to do manual zooming and positioning every time I want to watch a video, so I’m not sure whether this is worth it.


When doing frequent reloads of the wiidiplayer page on the Wii, sometimes the console locks up, any I need to press the power-button at the front of the console for 5 seconds to reset; during normal operation of the wiidiaplayer, however, I have not been able to crash it.

I’ll describe my mencoder settings in the next blog.

The Wiidiaserver

August 5, 2007

The Wiidiaserver is the servercomponent of the Wiidiaplayer. It has a number of jobs:

  • Serve over http the html page and the swf file that contain the clientside Wiidiaplayer (and the accompanying images in the near future)
  • Serve over http dynamic requests from the player on directory structure (this may change in the future to RTMP requests)
  • Stream the media file to the clientside Wiidiaplayer
  • (in the future) serve by http pictures for a slideshow.

The streaming of the media file happens over a RTMP connection. RTMP has only been reverse-engineered last year, and when I started on the Wiidiaplayer, only 4 implementations existed that I knew of. There is of course the official Adobe implementation, which will cost you at least a couple of thousand dollars to use, just as the Wowza Media Server. Then there is the Red5 server, which seemed like a lot of overkill, and since they hinted at their homepage that it would not be able to stream flash video yet, it didn’t seem worth the trouble to try. Then there was a implementation in HaXe. This last server actually had me streaming my first video within 5 minutes, however, although the idea behind HaXe is interesting, the language seemed too young. Furthermore, I didn’t like the idea of having to ask people to install apache and the Neko VM. Since the whole HaXe implementation was only a couple of hundred lines, I figured I could port it to twisted without too much trouble.

The Wiidiaserver has grown by now beyond the port of the HaXe code. Although the initial idea was to create a class that could be used in general RTMP projects in twisted, I gave up on it. For one, I don’t have enough experience with twisted to know what one would expect from such a class, but also, trying to develop a too general implementation only leads to more code, more bugs, more problems. Right now the RTMPy project is developing just such an implementation, in case someone is looking for it, and TAPE is a server developed on it (although, at the time of writing it doesn’t do video streaming yet)

The Wiidiaserver component is developing in a way specific to the Wiidiaplayer project. The FLV files that it streams coming from flv providers. These are classes that will get de FLV data from different sources. The simplest is a class that just serves an flv file that’s on disk. The more complicated ones create the flv file on the fly, and in the near future I’ll implement classes that will get the flv data from youtube, or a video4linux source. The server has extra functionality to handle such files. For instance, when seeking, it’s possible that the requested data is not available yet. It will then do repeated RTMP calls to the Wiidiaplayer to inform the client of the delay and how long it will take.

As with all: the server is in development, and might not be stable. The code can be found at http://code.google.com/p/wiidiaplayer/ . The server needs root-permissions to run, and will retain these while running (this will change in the near future as well). This is not advisable on any system, especially those connected to the outside world. Doing so is therefore obviously at own risk.

To run the server, you need python, twisted and twisted-web; converting makes use of mplayer(mencoder) for video and ffmpeg for audio.

The first couple of weekends I spent building proof-of-concepts for all different stages of the problem, and deciding which way to go. It was obvious that a server (the computer hosting the media files)/client (the Wii) architecture would be needed. Since the Wii will be connected trough WLAN, I assumed bandwidth not to be an issue. For the time being, I also assumed the computing power at the server to be unlimited.The first decision to be made was how to make the browser play video. I figured there are two possible ways. The most obvious one is using flash, the other option is using jpegs in the browser. Obviously the first option is the fastest to implement, but the performance problems, described above, I also looked at the second option. The idea would be to have a webserver serve arbitrary frame as a jpeg file. Using Javascript, the jpegs would be retrieved realtime, buffered, and then displayed. Obviously some sort of sound synchronisation would be needed as well. This system did work when running both the server and the client on my own computer, however the WLAN link and rendering power of the Wii made it all choppy on the Wii. Perhaps though, with a Wii LAN connector, and some other image format, it might have worked. I left it at that for the time being, exploring the flash option.

The most obvious solution for flash video would be to use progressive download. The first “hello world” actually did work this way, however, the low memory capacity of the Wii killed this idea. After about 5 minutes of playing, short lockups and framedrops would ocure. After 20 minutes these would become longer lockups of about 0.5 seconds, and after about 25 minutes, it would have downloaded about 110 MB of flv file, and the console would show an out of memory error and restart. So in short: playingYoutube videos, not a problem, playing tv-series of movies: not an option.

The problem here is that progressive download caches the whole file, as to enable seeking back. There is no option to switch this off, so it seemed this was not going to work. I played with the idea of cutting the file in 5-minute parts and playing them in sequence, but I didn’t think I would get the timing right, so one would be stuck with a small ‘gap’ every five minutes.

So the only solution would be to use a streaming Flash media server. This enables the client to seek, while not more than a couple of seconds of video are cached at the client. I will describe this server in a later post.

Welcome to Wiidiaplayer

August 5, 2007

The idea for Wiidiaplayer started some time ago when I was looking through some mailinglists, and discovered that people had been thinking about creating a mediaplayer for the Wii for some time now (actually, only after I started working on the project, I decided to look around at what other people had done; at which point I realised that starting from scratch might not have been the best idea). Anyway, the Wiidiaplayer idea had took off by then, and I decided it would be a nice idea to see how far it would fly (both in technical and motivational sense).


Most computer users have a considerable amount of audio and video files on their harddrives. In addition, these computers regularly stay switched on 24/7, are connected to some sort of internal home-network, and are, generally speaking, not the best media to enjoy your music and movies through. Either the screen is too small, the speakers are too cheap, the couch is in the wrong place, or the computer is in a different room altogether. What is connected to the right speakers, screen and location is the Wii. In addition, the Wii controller is ideal as a remote control for a media console, and there we are. I wanted to sit in front of my TV, select music and video’s from my computer’s harddrive, and play them.


Now, there are a couple of problems with using the Wii as mediaplayer, some can be overcome, others not. Firstly, the Wii is a closed system, and the ability to have arbitrary software run on it is, without resorting to hardware or software hacks that the multitude of Wii owners will be unable or unwilling to perform, is limited. The only programmable aspect that was meant to be there, is the Opera browser, with flash 7 (this is still way better than the iPhone, who has only html and no flash). Secondly, the Wii will only do standard stereo (2 channel) sound, over analogue connectors and, if like me you use the Wii-Scart cable, all sound passes though your tv (and the TV has to be switched on, not the most energy-friendly or romantic way of putting on some background music). Thirdly, the maximum resolution that the Wii will display is not that high (I’m not sure what it is, but not more than standard PAL). However, this isn’t a problem because of the next issue: the CPU/GPU combination is not fast enough by far to display full screen high resolution high bandwidth video, the best I’m getting right now is 320×240@15fps@2500kbps. Still, I have been watching video’s on this format for about 2 months now, and neither the jokes in the Simpsons, nor the suspense in Prison break is any less on that resolution. And then, finally, there is the problem of memory. Depending on how you count, the Wii has between 80 and 150 MB of RAM. This means that a feature-length movie, even at the lowered resolution, will never fit into it;


Obviously, the requirements needed to be a little flexible, at least on the part of what quality they would deliver. However, some basic requirements could be put down easily. The whole application should be controllable though the Wiimote or any other pointing-device. It should also not be specific to the Wii, it should at least run on 1 crossplatform browser. It should be able to play my full media library (ogg/mp3 for sound, and about every possibly imaginable video format, the longest of which runs over 3 hours), and do so without any pre-processing. After selecting any file, it should start playing within seconds.

The Wiidiaplayer so far

This video was taken some time ago, since then a lot changed on the technical side, and some on the visual side. However I also introduced some quick and dirty UI elements, so the current version looks real amateurish. I will post a new video after I clean up the interface.